Friday, I finally made it to the Mystery Castle. If you are a cat lover, which Spike definitely is not, you must visit this modern American castle of sorts.
Phoenix is known for a lot of things and this castle-home is probably not one of them–that is until now! Four other visitors and I made a vow to make it the place to visit! Why not? It is three hours closer to the airport than the Grand Canyon for starters!
So, know though, that it is much less a mystery and more so an eclectically built home that has lots rooms with fascinating tales of architectural wonder and odd facts.
You may be a little less thrilled with what’s around each corner if you grew up in a traditional Mexican village villa or Moroccan village home as you may find the layout predictable and some of the wall inlets normal—especially the ‘indoor’ cactus story as having an indoor atrium as a greeting point for guest is not at all uncommon.
Nevertheless, the castle is something you can see for yourself — in person! Until then enjoy our photos (you’ll see below why Spike sat this one out)!) or click on the link to see the PBS video coverage from 1998 – you can see the actual owner explaining parts of the castle herself!
Fact check research: What defines a castle? After viewing photos, why do you think the owners would call this a castle?
Hours: Be sure to check the actual days of operation: Wednesday-Friday until 3PPM.