The Home of Horsepower

Spike Hot at race track

We made it! The Texas Motor Speedway was our first horsepower-speedway on this journey. Note, because of the noise equated with horse races and Nascar races–not to mention the temperature of the pavement for little paws that topped out at 101 degrees–I scheduled our arrivals when there are no races. The excitement is for you to follow Spike’s footprints virtually, and hopefully soon, in person!

The Texas Motor Speedway is science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics all in one! How are speedways designed? Innovation. Engineering and perfection: From horse races to car races…the horsepower under the hoods of the vehicles that race on these tracks can top 900HP!

So, what is the history of horsepower and why is the power of a car still measured in horsepower? Time for your research: I think this article in Popular Mechanics is pretty helpful: How Horsepower Came to Be. Remember, always check more than one source when researching to get your best answer!

And, I’ll tell you a secret: I wanted to be a Nascar driver when I was three or four. Now, I am on to Koeniggseggs with 1280HP. I did write to them and let them know that Spike and I are going to make it to their factory–one day–or at least to Monico! We shall see. We shall see! Until then, stay tuned to our next location: Alamogordo, White Sands…remember that theme too: from sea to shining sea. We have our east coast sand–but New Mexico is landlocked, so why does it have a sea of sand? We’ll find out next time. Follow the paw prints!

(*If you have been following us, you know that Spike took a little spill and so we had to detour from some of our scheduled Nascar locations as well.)

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